西崎崇子 - 3650 夜

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bug's Paradise?!?!

‘Bug’s Paradise’…ahhh….what an aptly-named natural farm, which, according to the organic shop teller, Bugs, no surprising there! Also she said matter-of-factly, “There are bugs in most organic produce, because they’re pesticide- and fertilizer-free, hence the cozy setting for bugsies” Ah, how reassuring…

‘Organic’ pretty much means original, natural, untreated and also wholesome. Consuming organic and fresh produce to ‘eliminate body waste slowly but surely’, and to bring down our acidic compound buildup in our bodies. Organic produce contain natural mineral contents a thousand times higher than those we could find in wet markets and also supermarkets. Being someone who’s on ‘organic diet’ for the last few months, I can say this from the bottom of my heart, it works indeed. I weighed 125 lbs late last year, and with my self-prescribed Au Natural diet I’ve shed an amazing 15 lbs ~~

Now back to my original intention of writing this in the very beginning. Well I bought this pack of fresh lettuce from Bug’s Paradise (think it’s an organic farm of some sort in Cameron Highland…), and voila!, there was, not surprisingly, an earthworm attached to it. Or some kinda slimey species of unknown origins. I was freaked out at first, but that sloth-like creature motioned so slow I was running outta patience, and decided to chop it into half and drown it inside the sewer… From what I’ve heard slimey earthworms or anything alike will be able to survive even after they’re cut into two…gross, like alien of some sort. But it never came back up…well, neither of ‘them’ did…

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